Quest Elementary School has Primary Years
International Baccalaureate proposal in the works

Parents Information Meeting to be held April 22

Hilton's Quest Elementary School is taking a look at a program which would provide a unique world perspective to its curriculum. Parents are urged to attend an April 22 Parent Information Meeting at 6:30 p.m. at the Quest Elementary School auditorium, 225 West Avenue, Hilton, to learn more about the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years Program.

Hilton High School currently offers an International Baccalaureate Diploma and a group of elementary teachers and this year administrators from the Village Northwood and Quest Elementary schools decided to participate in the IB awareness seminar. The seminar discussed the Primary Years Program which is designed for K-6 students of all backgrounds, abilities and needs. Quest Elementary School has elected to become a candidate for the IB Primary Years Program, according to Principal Lydia McCabe. "The Board of Education approved our request to submit an application," she said. "When we reviewed the philosophy of Primary IB here at Quest, we couldn't believe how closely it matched the philosophy and principles of Quest: inquiry-based learning, starting with essential questions for students to study and do the research, bring in all parts of the world for the study of essential questions, lots of presentations, the use of portfolios of student work. Connections are made between different areas of the curriculum to make learning more meaningful," McCabe said. "Students will understand the relevancy of language arts, math, science and social studies to their own lives by answering questions such as: who are we, how we express ourselves, how the world works, how we organize ourselves in sharing the planet. Students are encouraged to solve problems, ask questions, become active learners and they will be learning to ask their own questions."

Quest Elementary teachers and parents began talking about Primary Years IB a year ago. The timeline for the process includes a deadline for application submission of May 1, 2004; a year of training and development; starting the Program in September 2005. One of the "world" aspects of the Primary Years IB Program is the introduction of a spoken language other than English at age seven. For additional information, visit the IB Web Site at or the Hilton District web site at