Dr. Leon Zoghlin

Bernice Skirboll
Hilton family physician
honored by medical society

Dr. Leon Zoghlin, a Family Practitioner in Hilton, and attending physician at Lakeside and Park Ridge hospitals, will be honored this year at the Monroe County Medical Society Annual Meeting with the prestigious Edward Mott Moore Award.

Each year the Medical Society presents the award to a physician and a layperson, whose lives reflect the qualities exemplified by the career and service of Dr. Edward Mott Moore - a physician, teacher, investigator, professional leader, and contributor to the Rochester community. Dr. Moore was Surgeon-in-Chief at St. Mary's Hospital from its opening in 1857 until his death in 1908, at the age of 88. His interest in research and therapeutic innovation inspired him to take part in numerous significant projects throughout his career.

Today, this award attempts to recognize individuals whose dedication to the region goes above and beyond the usual "call of duty."

Bernice Skirboll, MS, the founder of Compeer, will be receiving the layperson EMM award.

During the annual meeting, the keynote speech will be delivered by Rick Abrams, the executive vice president of the Medical Society of the State of New York (MSSNY). Also, the incoming president of the Monroe County Medical Society, Dr. Donald Goldman, will be sworn-in. Dr. Goldman plans to outline for the membership his mission for the upcoming year.

The meeting is on Wednesday, May 5, at the Rochester Academy of Medicine building (1441 East Avenue, Rochester). It begins at 6 p.m. with the swearing-in and keynote address expected at 7 p.m.