Some Sweden residents to get reassessment notices

Property owners in Sweden should be receiving their new assessment updates within the next two weeks. "We are working hard to finalize the figures for this year's roll," said Sweden Town Assessor Alan S. Bader.

"This year we are concentrating on vacant land values, new construction, and adjustments based upon recent sales. Overall increases in home values will average about five percent (5%) this year," said Bader.

"It is important to keep assessments updated and current so that the town can maintain assessment equity. We have made a substantial investment in our market-value assessment system and fairness is our primary goal," said Bader. "Sweden completed its last town-wide reassessment in 2001.

After notices are received, taxpayers may request an informal review with the town's valuation consultants, Cole-Layer-Trumble, by calling the assessor's office, 637-8683. If they are still not satisfied, property owners can bring their concerns to Grievance Day, Tuesday, May 25, from 3 to 5 p.m. and 7 to 9 p.m.

submitted press release