Presbyterian Church in Brockport receives grant

The First Presbyterian Church of Brockport has received a $5,000 grant from the Sacred Sites Program of the New York Landmarks Conservancy. The grant supports the current replacement of the roof of the 1853 building. The church, at 35 State Street, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

The existing roof was installed in the 1920s, according to Church Historian David Hale. Many of the shingles have broken or fallen off. The resulting leaks have damaged the wood in the bell tower and the decorative plaster in the sanctuary. The new roof will be copper panels, the same size and shape as the earlier shingles.

Other parts of the Capital Improvement Campaign are repair of the bell tower, replacement of the roof of Hays Hall, and construction of a proper handicapped accessible entrance on the north side.

The Landmarks Conservancy is a private organization based in New York City. It supports the repair and restoration of historic places of worship across the state. Announcing the grant, President Peg Breem wrote, "The Conservancy commends the congregation for recognizing the historic importance of this sacred site and maintaining it for future generations."