Hilton Parma senior citizens celebrate the center's 20th anniversary.

Senior citizens
celebrate anniversary

The Hilton-Parma Senior Citizens celebrated the 20th Anniversary of their Senior Center on Saturday, May 1 at the Hilton Fire Exempts. The award winning "Traveling Cabaret of Irondequoit" entertained with talents of song, dance and comedy music revues to an audience of 160 people. The cast brings extensive musical and theatrical experience to their shows, while all monies raised are contributed to student scholarships and charities.

A full course meal featuring pork marsala was catered by Forest Hill Catering.

Complimentary pictures were offered to guest for their photo albums, while the Arlington Restaurant and Krony's Pizza provided door prizes. Sponge-painted clay pots with pansies were put together by volunteers of the Senior Center and then given away to people at each table whose birthday was closest to the actual opening of the center 20 years ago, February 14.