Bike ride raises funds for Child Protective Services

Child Protectives Services' Cathy Colgan, above, shown with Rotary President Pam Young (r), described the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children Bike Drive fundraiser schedule for May 20. This year, the 100 bikers with their police escort will visit Brockport as part of a hundred-mile trek through Monroe County. The public is encouraged to come out and support the bikers with their presence and cheers. The route will follow Colby Street (10:15) to Rt. 19 (10:18); wind through Commencement Drive and on to the Hill Street School (10:27). After a brief stop at the school, the riders will proceed down Allen Street to Adams Street and ride north on Main Street (10:50) to State Street and East Canal (11:00), turning north on Sweden Walker Road (11:22) on their way to Hilton. The event is expected to raise over $25,000 for the Center's new Child Advocacy Center, which this summer will bring all child protective services together in one location. Publicizing bike and personal safety is also a very important goal.