Hilton Apple Fest Directors planning fall festival

The Hilton Apple Fest Board of Directors is planning Apple Fest 2004 to be held Saturday and Sunday, October 2 and 3. New members have been welcomed to the board: Lillian Griswold, Walt Horylev and Debbie Leffel. Members also thank former board member Debi Lee for her many years of service. Lee worked on many committees over the years including the craft jury and the logo committee. She also served as both corresponding secretary and recording secretary. Lee recently shared how grateful she was to have been part of such a wonderful group of people who have a great appreciation and loyalty for their community. She also stated that she had made some great friends.

The Logo Committee of the Hilton Apple Fest has chosen a logo submitted by Amy Coopenberg of Brockport. She will receive a cash prize and a Hilton Apple Fest sweatshirt with her logo on it this fall at festival time.

For information about the festival or volunteer opportunities, call 585-392-7773 or visit the website at www.hiltonapplefest.org.