Brockport village elections June 15

Voters in the village of Brockport will be asked to choose two candidates from a field of four in the June 15 election. The trustee seats of Morton Wexler and Peter DeToy are up for grabs with Wexler seeking re-election to his second term as a trustee. DeToy will not be running this year.

Republican-endorsed Robert Connors and Norman GianCursio and Pro-Village party hopeful Carrie Maziarz have also thrown their hats into the ring in a bid for a trustee seat.

Connors, who said he has had a strong interest in the village board because he is a lifelong resident, said he became more interested in village politics over the last couple of years after "seeing what was going on with the village's financial situation."

His main concerns are the village's ever increasing tax bills and the need to shore up Brockport's infrastructure.

GianGursio is seeking election because he wants to "make a difference and make improvements in village politics. "Taxes are too high and we need to cut expenses and get back to the basics," he said.

If elected, GianCursio said he wants to address the issue of high taxes by scrutinizing department spending and looking into the possibility of reorganization.

Maziarz has been active in village politics and decided that this was the year to seek election to the village board. "I saw the need for a different kind of candidate," she said.

For the past five months, Maziarz has been busy with the coordination of Brockport's Farmers Market. If elected, she said she would like to see the board go back to having two public sessions, one at the beginning and one at the end of the meetings, where residents could voice their concerns.

Incumbent Wexler, who is running on the Freedom Party Line, was first elected in 2000. Wexler said the reason he is seeking re-election is because he still "has a lot to offer the community," and he said his experience as well as the fact that people know he is not a "rubber stamp" will hopefully help get him re-elected.

Elections will take place Tuesday, June 15 from noon to 9 p.m. in the village hall.