Students in Lustumbo's sixth-grade class are pictured (front row, l-r) Jackie Cowley, Tesia Salamaca, Emily Mawn and Koreena Couch; (middle row) Stephanie Fleming, Dyllan Ross, Jason Patt, Billy Furness, Amber Liese, Jennifer Sutphen and Kelli Grolling; (back row) Laura Knab, Sean Mayes, DeNiro Winkfield, Noah Reger, Brandon Young, Cody Lester, Robert French and teacher Tonya Lustumbo. The entire school donated 265 glasses and aids.

Kendall students help the world see and hear more clearly

Kendall Elementary students recently collected 265 pairs of eyeglasses and hearing aids to donate to the Kendall Lions Club. The Lions Club recycles the items to help less fortunate people around the world see and hear more clearly. Barbara Maleski's fourth-grade class volunteered to collect the glasses and hearing aids from the other classes and, in doing so, met a state learning standard that requires students to collect data and create graphs.

"Each student had a paper with a teacher's name on it and every day the student would collect the glasses and aids from that classroom and record the number on the paper," explained Maleski. "Then the students graphed the numbers on a large chart in the hallway." At the end of the month, the classroom that brought in the most received a pizza party. It was Tonya Lustumbo's sixth-graders who collected 41 eyeglasses and hearing aids. Maleski's class joined in the pizza party. Randy Unterborn, Kendall Lions Club president, collected the 265 glasses and hearing aids and congratulated the students.