Hill School receives donation in the name of science

Science Fun Day has been a tradition at Brockport's Hill Elementary School for about 10 years. Fourth- and fifth-graders look forward to the day in June that is filled with hands-on science activities. The Lift Bridge Book Shop in Brockport recently raised $700 to help fund Science Fun Day. Taysie Pennington, left, from Lift Bridge, held assemblies prior to the fun day with her daughter, Mya, a fourth-grader at Hill. The two demonstrated various educational science toys available at Lift Bridge and ran a mini store with a portion of the proceeds going to the school. Fourth grade student Brittany Sells (right) accepted the check on behalf of the Hill School. During the day she attended a field trip to the Rochester Planetarium in the morning and science activities in the afternoon. Students had over 15 activities to choose from including: Machines at Work, Space Life, Disease Detection, Bubble Mania, In Jest Science Circus, Star Lab, Lasers and Optics, Incredible Insects, and Chemistry.