'Battle of the Burbs' golf tournament to tee off

The Gates Chili Chamber of Commerce of the Rochester Business Alliance (RBA), in conjunction with the Irondequoit Chamber of Commerce of the RBA, the Greece Chamber of Commerce and the Perinton Chamber of Commerce will be hosting the eighth Annual Battle of the 'Burbs Golf Tournament on Wednesday, July 28 at Shadow Pines Golf Club located at 600 Whalen Road, Penfield. The scramble format promptly kicks-off at 10 a.m. with a shot-gun start.

Local chambers of commerce will battle it out for the Golden Gopher Trophy and to assist a local charity. This year's proceeds will benefit Lifetime Assistance Foundation. Groups may register as a foursome, or individuals can be assigned to a foursome. The full package includes 18 holes with cart, lunch, barbecue chicken dinner and prizes. For more information contact Bridget Pulver at the Rochester Business Alliance, 263-3678 or BridgetP@RBAlliance.com.