New contest cooking at Clarkson Good Neighbor Days

If you or your children enjoy cooking and have a favorite recipe, the Clarkson Good Neighbor Day celebration is the time to dust off that recipe card, get baking and show off your talents.

Only one pie/dessert per contestant will be accepted. Each participant must submit one freshly baked pie or dessert in a non-returnable pan or container. The entry becomes the property of the contest committee. The homemade pies and desserts must be brought to the pavillion, at the park, between 5 and 6 p.m. on Saturday. Judging will take place on the stage at 6:30 p.m.

Each entry will be recorded and a number will be assigned to the contestant and put in the correct category. There will be no refrigeration available.

The pies/desserts will be judged according to: appearance, taste and texture. Each category will be rated on a scale of one to 10. Contact Dawn Rejewski at 637-2275 for information.