Spencerport's Union Street
Erie Canal bridge to close July 26

As reported earlier this year, the Erie Canal lift bridge on Route 259 in downtown Spencerport will be closed to traffic beginning Monday, July 26. It will reopen on Saturday, August 7. The bridge will be closed again on Monday, August 9 through Friday, August 13 during the hours of 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to allow for greasing and painting of the bridge.

Tom West, Village of Spencerport highway superintendent, said that local businesses were contacted and asked to advise their vendors regarding trucking detours. "All the trucks have been notified," West reports. "The trucks that need to get into the village for local deliveries will use the following route: from the south, trucks will have to take Brockport Road to Village Walk to Village Trail to Pinecrest to Martha Street to West Avenue. All other truck traffic will be kept out of the village by directing travel down Route 31 to Sweden Walker Road." West said trucks arriving from north of the village will have to cross the Erie Canal at Sweden Walker Road and then follow the same path as designated for trucks from the south. He estimates 24 trucks will access village businesses each week. Some businesses have arranged for smaller trucks that will fit under the railroad overpass to deliver supplies. West said traffic lights would be installed at the Martha Street bridge to help keep traffic moving.

The bridge is being closed in order to repair the aged lifting cables. As explained in a press release by the New York State Canal Authority, "Lift bridges on the New York State Canal System are raised and lowered with a system of underground concrete counter weights and cables. Because the total weight of the counter weight is just slightly less than the total weight of the bridge, a relatively small motor is needed. When a bridge is in the down, or seated position, the counter weights are in the raised position. When a bridge is in the raised position, the counter weights are in the lowered position. The average service life of these cables is 15 years and the Spencerport lift bridge cables were last replaced in 1974. There are also a couple wooden shims under the steel decking on the bridge that will be replaced with steel shims. This work will secure the steel decking to the bridge girders."

During the time the bridge is under repair, parking will not be allowed on Martha Street (the entire length), Amity Street (from Church Street to Martha Street), and West Avenue (from Union Street to Martha Street).

Residents with questions or concerns can contact the Village of Spencerport Office at 352-4771, or the New York State Canal Corporation Department of Public Affairs at 518-436-2983.