Ann's granddaughter checks the expiration date on a canned food. She's been helping her grandmother at the food cupboard for many years. Photograph by Walter Horylev.

Volunteer commits 25 years to food outreach service

She prefers to be known as simply Ann. In fact, that is how the federal government has registered her name.

It isn't a pretentious move hoping for stardom like Cher, Oprah or Elvis.

She's just Ann because throughout her 25 years of dedicated volunteer service as director of the Hilton Food Shelf she has preferred to always keep the focus on those in need.

"I'm not doing this to get my name out there," she quipped. As far as Ann is concerned, she spent her 40s, 50s and 60s in service to the community because it is in her genes.

"I am stricken with Ben Cole Syndrome. I have no choice," she said. Ben Cole Syndrome isn't as painful as one might imagine. It is a reference to her grandfather and role model who devoted his life to helping those who had been dealt a bad hand. At times, Ann recalls, Cole would help a man out to the detriment of his own welfare. His legacy has secured a line of family members who are committed to service above self. It hit her 95-year-old mother Genevieve who spent much of her life taking care of family members. It also struck Ann, hard.

Ann was part of the original Hilton Parma Community Council formed in 1979 that began the Food Shelf, the Christmas Basket Program, the Clothes Closet, the Furniture and Appliance Program, and the Senior Food and Clothing Program.

The Food Shelf began in Ann's garage and then took over her daughter Melora's playroom. From there it moved to the Hilton Community Center and then to the Hilton Baptist Church where Ann has spent a great deal of time laboring tirelessly in the church basement. Her husband, Jim, to whom she has been happily married for 49 years, has always supported Ann's efforts even when it resulted in pulling food off of their own cupboards to feed others.

Ann has witnessed times when seven days in a week were not enough, and times when early morning or late night trips were needed. She has put many miles on her car and gone through a small fortune in gasoline. She has borrowed food from her own pets to make sure that needy families were able to keep their animals.

All of this she chalks up to simply being stubborn.

"Before we opened the food shelf I thought 'I wonder if there was a need in Hilton' and boy, was there," Ann said. "I was just determined to take care of it."

Taking care has called for drastic measures, as she has witnessed some amazingly sad situations: families living out of cars, babies without formula, seniors without food or medicine.
"There were times I thought I would drop dead trying to feed everyone," Ann said. "I've always thought what a better position to be in to be able to offer help than to need it."

For the last 25 years, Ann has been true to her mission to feed every needy family in the area. Last year, the Food Shelf was responsible for feeding 112 adults and 157 children. All of the food that was donated came from the community.

While volunteer help can be difficult to find, Ann said her greatest relief came from her husband and the members of St. Paul Lutheran Church. One of those members, Loretta, said she has found her nearly 10 years of service to be rewarding. "Ann's dedication is inspiring," Loretta said. "She is also very personable, full of fun and giving."

Ann is proud of the careful manner in which she has been able to manage all of the Food Shelf's funds. With more good management, the Food Shelf should be able to have a permanent home of its own.

When she is not volunteering her time at the Food Shelf, Ann enjoys time spent on the farm with her husband and her animals and any time she can spend cooking or gardening. Her most precious time is the summer when her now six-year-old granddaughter comes to stay with her. She loves every moment that she gets to spend with her granddaughter, Ann.

The Food Shelf is now housed in the Free Methodist Church of Abiding Love. The contact number is 392-4343.