Gwen Comstra, Susie Cotsworth and Joanne Toates gear up for their trek around Lake Ontario. Threatening storm clouds kept the three out of the water the day the picture was taken. Photo by Robbi Hess.

West Wautoma women ready to ride the waves again

For the second year in a row, the "Wenches of West Wautoma" are planning to make the trek around Lake Ontario. The self-named "Wenches" include second-timers Gwen Comstra and Susie Cotsworth and newcomer Joanne Toates.

Last year, Comstra and Cotsworth set off on a 550-mile trek around Lake Ontario. This year's journey will likely encompass more than 800 miles, Comstra said. "We're going to take a bit longer way around because we want to do more investigating this time," she said. While the idea of a trip around Lake Ontario may not sound like that much - it gets interesting and takes on a unique twist when people hear that they are making the journey aboard personal watercrafts - Jet Skis®. Weather permitting, the ladies will pack their supplies and climb aboard their watercraft on July 17 for the 10 day trip.

When asked the first time around why they wanted to make this trip, their answer was a resounding, "why not?" As for the second time, and a new recruit, the women say they just plain enjoyed themselves the first time around and wanted to do it again. Their plan had been to conquer a new body of water each year, but when Toates joined them, they decided to travel Lake Ontario again so that Toates could see it. "I grew up on the lake and it just gets into your blood," Toates said. "When I heard they were going to go out again but to a different lake I asked them to let me know when they were doing Lake Ontario again so I could go."

And the rest, as they say, is history.

Cotsworth said she is looking forward to getting back out there and exploring more of the beaches and sand dunes they passed on their first trip. "I'm just ready for another adventure," she said. Cotsworth celebrates her 57th birthday on the trip. Her cohorts are in their early 50s.

The agenda is to cover 100 miles per day, at a speed of about 40 miles per hour, Comstra said. While they haven't mapped the plan out to the extent that it kills any spontaneity, they have made arrangements and have prepared enough to make it a safe journey. "Last year we were so surprised when we docked at night that people had heard of us," she said. "It was like we had a welcoming committee. We would pass boaters who would tell other boaters and people would stand on the docks to welcome us."

The women will be armed with walkie talkies, cell phones, and weather radios, in addition to the usual watercraft safety items such as flare guns and air horns. "We have to travel a bit light," Comstra said. "There isn't much space on a Jet Ski® to store personal effects."

Personal watercraft weigh approximately 800 pounds and can travel at speeds of 60 mph, they said.

As for what they learned from their first trip. Cotsworth said she learned to not bring red licorice. "It just didn't survive the trip and we are definitely taking air mattresses this time," she said. "Those beaches are full of rocks!"

For the ladies, the idea of seeing the whole shoreline of Lake Ontario is one of the major draws for making the trip again. "You never know what's just around the corner … what treasures you will find," they said.

Cotsworth's husband, Tony, said his wife has always been quite adventurous and he said he supports her in her trip. Bob Toates was making last minute preparations and having his wife's Jet Ski® undergo a safety inspection before she left. "He's been pretty supportive, too," Toates said.

They have enlisted the help of a stay-behind friend to set up a web page so people can track their progress on the trip. Check them out at Nightly updates will be made to their 2004 travelogue.