Rev. Robert Hann, Ph.D., installed pastor of First Presbyterian Church of Chili

On Sunday, July 18, the Presbytery of the Genesee Valley and the congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Chili held a service of installation of Reverend Dr. Robert Hann as pastor. Dr. Hanna's installation was the culmination of a national search conducted by the church's Pastoral Nominating Committee chaired by Mark Kurzen of Ogden and Richard E. Stowe of Churchville. The installation commission participants appointed by the Presbytery of the Genesee Valley were Rev. Lynn Nelson, Moderator, Presbytery of the Genesee Valley, Rev. Edie Gause, Executive Presbyter, Rev. Mike Capron, Rev. Sandra Murray, Elder William Walence, Elder JoAn Stein, Elder Al Conklin, Elder Richard E. Stowe.

Dr. Hann holds a master's degree in theology from Princeton Theological Seminary. His Ph.D. in religion is from Temple University. He has served churches as pastor in Philadelphia and Dublin, Pennsylvania; Miami and Coral Gables, Florida; and, in Raleigh and Thomasville, North Carolina. He is former professor of religion and chair of the Department of Philosophy and Religion at Florida International University. He has been a reader for the Presbyterian Church's national ordination examinations. He has served on numerous presbytery committees dealing with theology and worship, preparation for ministry and has led numerous retreats and long and short-term studies. He identifies his most important pastoral skills as preaching, teaching, worship planning and leadership, and spiritual development.

Summer worship services at the church, located at 3600 Chili Avenue, are held at 9:30 a.m.

Pastor Bob, as Dr. Hann likes to be called, resides in Chili with his wife, Sharon.