Nominations sought for environmental quality award

The Center for Environmental Information (CEI) is accepting nominations for the 2004 Hugh E. Cumming Environmental Quality Award. Each year the award is presented to an individual, group or organization that has made a significant contribution to environmental protection, improvement or education in the Rochester-Genesee-Finger Lakes region.

Activities eligible for the award may consist of technical achievements or contributions of time, expertise or other resources. Whatever form this activity takes, it should be substantial and have been undertaken beyond the performance of a routine job, community expectation or legal requirement. The honoree and all those nominated will be recognized at the Community Salute to the Environment, sponsored by the Center for Environmental Information.

Nominations will be judged by a panel of representatives from the environmental community, government and education, chaired by CEI Board member Dr. James C. White, emeritus professor, Cornell University. To obtain a nomination form contact the Center for Environmental Information, 55 St. Paul Street, Rochester, NY 14604; phone 262-2870; e-mail All nominations must be received by Monday, September 20.