Weekend links amateur radio club and lighthouse keepers

The Brockport Amateur Radio Klub (BARK) and the Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse Historical Society have organized the International Lighthouse and Amateur Radio Weekend on Saturday and Sunday, August 21 and 22. The event will run from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily. BARK members will be broadcasting live via voice and Morse Code from the Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse Museum grounds to amateur radio operators around the world, many of them stationed in lighthouses.

Amateur radio is a hobby, but often it is the only line of communication during an emergency such as a natural disaster. The weekend is an opportunity for young and old to experience this unique hobby.

The event is free, but donations are appreciated. The Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse Museum is located off Lake Avenue directly behind Holy Cross Catholic Church. For information contact: Al Skiles (N2VY), (585) 225-2220 days or (585) 325-1087(evenings and weekends).