Brockport Lions award member recruiter

Brockport Lions awarded a Membership Key to Lion Al Hammel for sponsoring at least two new members. Lions Dr. Joel Kutz and Gary Malak were presented the Robert Uplinger Award for outstanding membership and years of service to the Brockport Lions.

The Lions hosted their first Cruise In of the season on July 24 with 331 cars on hand. Frank Lapinski and Mike Feeney were the winners of the 50/50 raffle at the Cruise In event.

Eagle Scout candidate Matt Jensen presented his project to the Brockport Lions at a recent meeting. His project plan is to build a 20' by 40' picnic shelter on Redman Road. The Lions Club donated $200 to help him cover the costs necessary to bring this plan to fruition. When construction begins the Lions volunteered their services.