Bill Andrews, original president of the Brockport Historic Preservation Board, Brockport Mayor Josephine Matela and Don Riling, maker of the three signs, pose beneath the newly unveiled sign in front of St. Luke's Episcopal Church. There are two more signs, one near the Post Office and the other near Market Street. Photograph by Walter Horylev.

Brockport village recognized for preservation efforts

As part of the two-day Art Festival, Brockport celebrated the listing of its Victorian commercial district on the National and State Registers of Historic Places. The sign was placed at one of the entrances to the village in front of St. Luke's Episcopal Church at the corner of Main and State Streets.

"This is permanent validation of the fact that our downtown is recognized on the registers," Mayor Josephine Matela said. "When people come to the village they will see that distinction and, in fact, people may come here now because of the distinction."

The designation is a "fantastic" marketing tool, Matela said. "The credit really goes to the work and care that the people in this community have put into maintaining their homes and businesses for all these years. They are really the ones to be congratulated for Brockport receiving this recognition."