Eastern Star Chapter #440 celebrates birthday

Members of Mary Jane Holmes Chapter #440 Order of the Eastern Star of Brockport celebrated their 95th birthday with a dinner at 58 Main Street Restaurant and Party House in Brockport. Members and guests enjoyed a dinner and entertainment of the 1909 vintage. A tiered cake with Mary Jane Holmes' picture on it was made and donated by member Joan Hare. Period costumes were worn by members. Songs were sung and led by Ron Miller. Committee for the gala affair was Janice Smith, Donna Launry, Joan Buddle, Reneé Despard, Marie Knittle and Shirley Mercer.

The Chapter was organized and constituted November 9, 1909 by prominent women of the community with their goals being charity, truth and loving kindness; these are goals the Chapter is still living by 95 years later.

Under the current leadership of Worthy Matron Janice Smith and Worthy Patron Wilson Buddle, the Chapter has been actively supporting the Brockport Sidewalk Sale, Lakeside Kids, Cool Kids in the Park, Project Graduation, Brockport High School Graduation Awards and High School Band and Chorus trips. They are also sponsors of two lasagna dinners and an annual Funtastic Craft and Collectibles Sales.

Membership is open to women 18 years and older. For information call Smith at (585) 659-8764 or Mercer at (585) 637-9782.