MCC, Roberts Wesleyan collaborate
to offer accelerated degree program for adults

Roberts Wesleyan College will deliver its B.S. in Organizational Management degree completion program on MCC's Brighton campus this fall. Prospective students are eligible for enrollment if they have earned their associate degree. Classes begin September 1 and will be taught by Roberts faculty. This latest collaboration between the two colleges achieves a new level of meeting the needs of the community, with a focus on adult learners.

The Organizational Management degree-completion program, offered at Roberts since 1986, was the first in New York state designed to help adult learners reach their educational goals in a time-shortened format, while continuing to meet commitments to their jobs and to their families. The program requires students to meet once per week and emphasizes interaction in the classroom to achieve learning outcomes. The curriculum was revised in the past year to include new courses in managerial marketing, finance and accounting.

For information about this or other programs call 585-292-3219 (MCC) or 585-594-6210 (RWC).