Eastern Orleans United Way,
Red Cross fundraisers set campaign goal

The annual Eastern Orleans United Way/Red Cross campaign kicked off September 14. Volunteer leadership for United Way announced a campaign goal of $156,000.

Reaching the goal is important in providing funding resources necessary to ensure health and human care services continue to be available when needed. United Way-funded services provide assistance and support throughout every stage of life, helping improve the quality of life for children, families, seniors and individuals with disabilities. Area businesses are urged to give their support this year by conducting a United Way workplace campaign.

Judy Koehler and Mike Bonafede, owners of Sports & Graphics, Inc., are serving as 2004-05 United Way/Red Cross campaign co-chairs with Fran and Ray Lissow, owners of Lissow Development, serving as campaign vice chairs. Serving on the campaign cabinet are: Judy Christopher, Don Colquhoun, Jeff Glatz, Chris Haines, Karl and Debbie Heuer, Karen Mitchell Sawicz, Ellery Reaves and Kellie Spychalski.

"We're very optimistic about this year's campaign," said Koehler. "Eastern Orleans is a small family community that really pulls together to help others. And now is the time we need everyone pulling together because you just never know when you'll be in need of assistance."

Money raised in the annual United Way/Red Cross appeal remain in the Eastern Orleans community supporting services and programs provided by 11 local health and human service organizations throughout Orleans County.

The campaign will run until mid-November. For information on making a contribution or conducting a workplace campaign contact United Way at (585) 589-6455 or (585) 343-8141.