Parenting course to be offered in Hilton

"Common Sense Parenting," a practical, skill-based parenting program that can be applied to every family, will be offered for Hilton area parents at the Hilton Community Center beginning October 12 from 6 to 8:30 p.m. for six consecutive Tuesdays.

The program's logical strategies and easy-to-learn techniques address issues of communication, discipline, decision-making, relationships, self-control and school success. Common Sense Parenting gives parents the tools to correct and change problem behavior, minimize problems that disrupt family life, raise responsible, caring children including children who have on-going behavior management needs.

The class is free, but attendance at all classes is required. Materials will be provided. The Hilton Community Center is located at 59 Henry Street, Hilton. Pre-registration is required. Space is limited. Refreshments will be provided. Childcare is available with pre-registration for children 12 and under. For registration and/or information, contact Program Facilitator Maria Tantillo-Mueller, CSW at 349-8880.