1971: A vintage year for American Legion baseball

In the 1960s and 1970s when the crocus came to bloom announcing spring was on the way, high school boys across the state retrieved their baseball gear from the mothballs and eagerly awaited the first pitch. And as was tradition, American Legion Posts across the nation sponsored baseball teams that were staffed by local high school lads.

The spring of 1971 was no exception and the Harvey C. Noone Post 954 once again assembled a team of 13 local youths who were coached by the ever-capable Mike Smith. The spring training period exposed great camaraderie and spirit among the team and issued a warning to the Monroe County League.

The only loss of the regular season of the Noone team came at the hands of Ely Fagan Post. In the post season playoffs, the team played in the District Finals at Newark. They missed advancing to the finals, to determine the State Champion, by a single loss at Newark.

The Harvey C. Noone Post 1971 American Legion, League Champion Baseball Team - This team won all but one of its league games in its 1971 season (to the Eli Fagan Post) and finished in league playoffs one game short of state finals. Pictured front row (l-r) Jeff Frew, Steve Burke, David DiGiacamo, Rich Kohlmetz, Pat Schur, John Pilato and Scott Dodgson. Back (l-r): Rich Stowe, Randy Shaffer, Jim Herley, Coach Mike Smith, Kevin Fitzgerald, Steve Russell and Stan Soper.