Historical marker commemorates Norwegian immigrants

A new historical marker will be unveiled at the Lake Ontario end of Norway Road in Kendall at 1 p.m., Saturday, October 16. It will commemorate the first settlement of the first group of Norwegian immigrants to North America. Fifty three immigrants arrived at that site in October 1825 after a journey of more than three months. They crossed the Atlantic in a 54-foot sloop and are called "The Sloopers."

The unveiling ceremony will include brief comments on the Sloopers as a group by Bill Andrews, president of the Sons of Norway lodge in western New York, and on the family of Jacob Anderson Slogvik by Joette Knapp, Kendall town historian. The marker is at the site of the farm of that family.

For information, contact Andrews at 637-3721 or wandrews@frontiernet.net or Knapp at 659-2762.