3M requesting rezoning in Brockport

There are no plans for development of the land on Oxford Street in the Village of Brockport, but representatives from 3M are requesting a rezoning of the property to industrial use.

Kristin Hawes, an attorney with Harter Secrest & Emery, spoke at the October 4 village board meeting on behalf of 3M making village officials aware that 3M would be seeking rezoning.

"When you rezone from residential to industrial, the value of the homes in that location gets reduced to such a small amount that you need a microscope to find them," Trustee Mort Wexler said in response to 3M's request.

Wayne Bennett, a State Street resident whose property closely borders the 3M property, said he and other homeowners in that area were assured that if the houses were removed they wouldn't be replaced with another business. "I'd like to get some agreement in writing from the village that a rezoning won't happen," he said. "We'd like to see it remain residential. A rezoning would affect our property values."

Mayor Josephine Matela said that everyone, 3M included, has the right to request a rezoning. "They need to follow the processes we have set forth in the village," she said. "Hopefully the process would work where village officials would do the right thing where residents are concerned."