Evening hours continue at BHS Library

The Brockport High School library is open Wednesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m. for students to work on research projects, use computers, access the Internet, form study groups or find a quiet place to do homework.

Extended library hours began last year as part of a district-wide initiative to build student capacity for learning. After the success of last year's pilot program, the decision was made to continue with the extended hours. High School Librarian Kathy Jaccarino hopes that students will take advantage of the curriculum-based materials available at the high school library. Families of the students and tutors are welcome to accompany the students in the evening. To further assist students, daytime library hours were extended to 4 p.m. on A/C days.

Students can also access online resources such as reference books and journal articles right from their home/school computers. These online resources are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For information about this service and other library programs, log onto the high school library website at: www.brockportwebsite.com/bcsd/libraryhigh/indexlib.htm.