Hilton Music Boosters sponsor Halloween Party

The Halloween Carnival Party sponsored by the Hilton Music Boosters features pumpkin bowling, witch broom limbo and more. The party and carnival is for children through sixth grade and is scheduled for Friday, October 22 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Hilton Village Elementary School, 100 School Lane.

Admission is $3 per child in advance; $5 at the door. Admission includes cider or juice, donut and popcorn, carnival games and great prizes, Halloween activities, Halloween crafts to make and face painting. Pizza, pop and other snacks will be available to purchase. There will be prize drawings. Come in a Halloween costume and receive a free drawing ticket. Children who bring a costumed adult will receive two free drawing tickets. Donate an item to the Hamlin Bread and Thread and receive one free drawing ticket for each item donated.

Call Sherry Stiles at 392-8237 with questions. Mail pre-payment by October 18 to: The Hilton Music Boosters, P.O. Box 902, Hilton, NY 14468.