Hilton Schools receive PEP Grant to boost fitness - Hilton students will benefit from a grant the district received this fall from the U.S. Department of Education to purchase fitness equipment, according to Physical Education Program Coordinator Kelley O’Connell, P. E. Teacher at Hilton’s Quest Elementary School. The grant was written by a team of P. E. teachers and will amount to $265,000 for over three years.

Hilton School District receives grant to boost fitness

The Hilton School District has received a $176,274 Carol M. White Physical Education Program (PEP) grant from the U. S. Dept. of Education to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles for students K through 12. Hilton was one of 230 schools in the nation to receive the PEP grant. The district will be eligible to receive an additional $84,954 in the second year and $4,272 in the third year pending continued funding for a total of $265,000. The district is required to make an in-kind contribution of 11 percent making the total amount funded the first year $195,860.

“This means great things for the Physical Education Department, the students and the community,” Kelley O’Connell, program coordinator for health and physical education said. “It will provide many opportunities for students to participate in lifelong fitness activities such as in-line skating, mountain biking, archery, snowshoeing, cross country skiing, kayaking, yoga.

The grant will be used to purchase equipment as well as increase opportunities for students to get involved in lifelong health and wellness activities. Hilton is also opening two fitness centers at the high school and middle school with funding from the ongoing capital improvement project. The district will work with Hilton-Parma Recreation to maximize use of these new resources. For information contact the school at 392-1000 ext. 6058.