Local musicians scheduled to perform
at Lakeside's gala dinner

The Amadeus Chorale of Greater Rochester and Hilltop Singers, the children's choir from the Brockport School District, will welcome General Tommy Franks when he arrives at Lakeside by singing the national anthem a capella. The singers have performed for speakers in the past including former Mayor of New York City Rudy Giuliani, Secretary Madeleine Albright, Generals Colin Powell and Norman Schwarzkopf. They sang God Save the Queen for the Honorable John Major, former prime minister of Great Britain.

Harpist Cathleen A. Gurnett will perform during the VIP Reception at the Rochester Riverside Convention Center.

The Brockport High School Jazz Band will join the list of musicians performing at the event. Musicians from the Jazz Band include members of the Brockport Jazz Ensemble and the Brockport Blue notes. Additionally, Cindy Miller, vocalist and Rochester resident, will perform.

Brad London Productions located in Albion will be providing music for dancing.

For information about Lakeside's Annual Gala Dinner or to make reservations, call 395-6049.