Chili Senior Center supports Lakeside Health System

The Chili Senior Center's "Chain Gang" once again donated baskets of goodies for the new moms at Lakeside to help welcome their newborns and celebrate the happy occasion. Fifteen baskets were donated, each containing hand knitted and crocheted baby clothes made by the seniors, plus an array of toys and toiletries and baby supplies. In the hour preceding the donations, three babies were born in Lakeside Hospital. The "Chain Gang's" members were excited because they were able to greet the newborns through the nursery windows. Members of the group have donated gift baskets to Lakeside since July 2003. Shown above (l to r) Irene Fornarola, Lucille Dysart, Millie Erdman, Donna Dupont (Obstetrics Supervisor at Lakeside Hospital), Sue Kimbell (RN at Lakeside Hospital) and Vicki Fornarola.