Community groups participate
in carbon monoxide education workshop

Members of the Brockport Fire Department manned an information table at SUNY Brockport on December 1.

BFD's Public Information Officer Chris Martin said the time at the college was scheduled in response to the carbon monoxide incident that occurred earlier in November when six students, who resided at 82 Holley Street in the village, were hospitalized.

"We put together and mailed a brochure to 7,500 addresses that spoke to the dangers of carbon monoxide and the importance of having detectors for both that and smoke," Martin said.

The table was manned for two hours by fire department officials. Martin said they were going to be on hand to offer informational pamphlets and answer any questions the students might have. Raffles for carbon monoxide and smoke detectors were also held throughout the afternoon.

"We're always out in the community trying to educate people on the importance of having devices installed and operational," Martin said. "This is just another way for us to reach the student population."