National Trust provides grant
to Brockport Presbyterian Church

The First Presbyterian Church of Brockport has been awarded a $2,500 matching grant from the National Trust for Historic Preservation's John E. Streb Preservation Services Fund for New York. The grant funds will be used to survey the condition of the windows and exterior masonry of the historic (1853) church. The survey will guide repair and restoration to be completed at a future date. The church was among several grant recipients selected in a competitive application process from applicants across New England, Delaware, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.

In announcing the grant, National Trust Northeast Regional Office Director Wendy Nichols said, "With their start-up dollars, the Presbyterian Church of Brockport joins hundreds of other nonprofit groups across the country actively ensuring that America's architectural and cultural heritage is preserved."

Through its Preservation Services Fund, the National Trust offers small matching grants to nonprofit groups and public agencies to support a wide range of local historic preservation projects across the nation.

The National Trust for Historic Preservation, chartered by Congress in 1949, is a nonprofit organization with more than 270,000 members. As the leader of the national preservation movement, it is committed to saving America's diverse historic environments and to preserving and revitalizing the livability of communities nationwide.