Brockport PD officers recognized for DWI efforts

The individual who is getting pulled over, asked to walk the center line, recite the alphabet backwards or take a Breathalyzer test is not likely to thank the officer who stopped them.

"Believe me, the person getting that DWI isn't going to thank you," Brockport Police Chief Dan Varrenti said. "They may tell you that you have ruined their life but they won't see that the officer might have saved their life for not letting them drive drunk. They don't have the ability to foresee the future and the dangers they present to themselves and other drivers."

Varrenti nominated three of his officers, Christopher Curley, Steve Mesiti and Ralph Gleason, for recognition from the Monroe County STOP-DWI. His nomination was accepted and the officers were recognized at an annual safety awards luncheon in Rochester.

"Those officers led the department in DWI arrests in the last year and they truly deserved the recognition they received," Varrenti said.

In addition to the Monroe County STOP-DWI honor, the officers were also lauded at a MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) group dinner the same evening.

"I can't say enough about the effort that goes into making a DWI arrest," Varrenti said. "These officers are out there at 2, 3 or 4 a.m. making these arrests and subsequently filing all the necessary paperwork and showing up in court. I commend these officers for their dedication to making this community a safer place."