Free tax counseling for senior citizens

Tax return preparation service is available to senior citizens having low or moderate income at 22 locations in the Rochester area. This service begins February 1 and will run to April 15. To make an appointment, call the nearest AARP Tax Service Center.

Bring your current income records and a copy of your last Federal and State Income Tax Returns to your appointment. This is a community service provided free by AARP volunteers, and is IRS approved.

Tax centers in this area are: Chili Town Hall, 889-3550; Gates Town Hall, 247-6100 Ext. 235; Greece Westridge Senior Center, 723-2419; Hilton/Parma Senior Center, 392-9030; Ogden Senior Center, 352-3250; Riga Town Hall, 293-3880; and Sweden Senior Center, 637-8161.