Hilton's Natural Helpers" are: Jessica Cocquyt, Elora Dalba, Kristina Fillion, Nicole Griffith, Andrea Izyk, Brian Jacek, Ashlea Keene, Amy Mincer, Kim Nauratil, Alexandra Pappas, Nicole Pronti, Kaleigh Reid, Jennifer Sasson, Stephanie Schmidt, Chanel Sinanan and Olivia Viterna.

Natural Helpers named at Hilton High School

Seventeen Hilton High School students were selected by their peers as persons "to whom students would go to if they had a problem and needed someone to trust," according to Park Ridge Youth Outreach Counselor Nancy Lewthwaite and Hilton High School Counselor Shirley Abrams.

"When students have problems, they often look to other students for help before approaching an adult," Lewthwaite said. "This helping network of trusted peers can be an invaluable asset in ensuring the emotional and physical health of students. Natural Helpers teach participants effective ways to help their friends, positive ways of taking good care of themselves, ways to contribute to a safe and supportive school environment."

To develop their capacity to help others, students participated in a training event held at the Rotary Sunshine Camp. They took part in activities designed to improve helping skills and to learn ways to more effectively help friends who are experiencing problems in their lives. The training included a challenge course which emphasized teamwork, cooperation and problem-solving.

The Natural Helpers will have many opportunities to take part in service activities throughout the school year including adopting a needy family at Christmas, caroling at Hilton East Residence and many others.