Senator Maziarz named
Chairman of Senate Labor Committee

New York State Senate Majority Leader Joseph L. Bruno has appointed Senator George D. Maziarz (62nd, R,C-N. Tonawanda) to serve as Chairman of the Senate Labor Committee.

"Working men and women are the backbone of New York State," Senator Maziarz said. "We must continue to strengthen our workforce and make sure there are quality jobs available for this generation and the next. Under Senator Bruno's leadership we have made significant advances in these areas, and I look forward to advancing the causes of New York's work force."

Senator Maziarz was first elected to the New York State Senate in a 1995 special election. He previously headed the Senate's Legislative Commission on Administrative Regulatory Review (AARC) and the Water Resource Commission until 1997, at which time he was selected to serve as Chairman of the Senate Aging Committee - a post he held until 2002. Senator Maziarz became Chairman of the Senate Tourism, Recreation, and Sports Development Committee in 2003 where he served as a diligent advocate for the state's tourism initiatives for the past two years.

Senator Maziarz has also been chosen to serve on the following Senate Committees: Aging; Banks; Commerce, Economic Development and Small Business; Crime Victims, Crime and Correction; Energy and Telecommunications; Health; and Housing, Construction and Community Development.