Golf lessons offered

Hilton-Parma Recreation is offering golf lessons for both adults and youth at the Rochester Sports Dome. PGA golf pro, Jim Muszak, will provide instruction and inspiration.

Youth golf lessons will be offered on Saturdays, January 29 and February 5 and 12 from 4:15 to 5 p.m. The cost for the three lessons is $24 per person and includes practice balls and selected clubs.

Adults lessons will be Sundays from 3 to 4 p.m. on February 27 and March 6 and 13. The cost will be $56 per person. Class size will be limited to six.

Both classes will include a videotape of each participant along with a detailed analysis of their swing.

Contact Hilton-Parma Recreation in the Hilton Village Community Center at 392-9030.