Kendall Fire Department elects new officers

The Kendall Fire Department held their annual election of officers. Rick Seaman was elected chief of the department, Mike Kludt, deputy chief, both for a one year term. The following members have been appointed to one year terms: Ralph Reis Jr., 1st assistant chief; Daren Lang, 2nd assistant chief; Brad Youngjohn and Doug Jones Sr., captains; Blaine Young, safety officer, and Mike Schultz and Bob Defendorf, lieutenants.

Gary Crawford was reappointed ambulance captain, Sue Behrend was appointed ambulance lieutenant.

Bill Hardenbrook was re-elected president; Max Jones, vice president; Sue Behrend treasurer; and Gary Crawford, secretary.

Members of the Kendall Fire Department are grateful to Skip Snell for his many years of service as line officer and past two years as chief of the department. He will continue to serve as a firefighter and medic.

Kendall Fire Department is looking for new members. Medics, firefighters and support personnel are needed. Free training. For information, contact any Kendall firefighter, or call the fire hall at 659-8082.