Chili Senior Center programs

Massage - by a licensed massage therapist twice a month. Appointments are either 15 or 30 minutes in length. First 15 minute intro appointment is $10; 15 minute appointment is $15, and a 30 minute appointment is $25. Gift certificates are available. To schedule an appointment, call 889-6185.

Tuesday Talks - educational and interesting presentations each Tuesday at 11 a.m. A guest speaker will be featured each week. Coffee provided. There is no charge to participate. The center is located at 3235 Chili Avenue. February 15 - Seeing Eye Dogs - Glenna Godown; February 22 - Houseplants - Carol Krisanda, Cornell Co-operative Extension; March 1 - Rochester Button Society - Kathy Shaller. Bring an old button; March 8 - New York's Beautiful Waterfalls - Sue Freeman; March 15 - People, Events and Inventions that Impacted the Millennium - Nelson Carman.

Footcare - on the third Thursday of each month. Half-hour appointments are scheduled from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Call the office at 889-6185 to schedule an appointment. Participants should bring their own basin and towel. The cost is $15. The next appointments are on Thursday, January 20.

Pace Exercise Class - on Wednesdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. The class offers easy exercises for men and women with arthritis or limited range of motion. Most exercises are done sitting in a chair. The class is instructed by the Arthritis Foundation. The cost is $12 for six week pass (or $10 with Preferred Care or Blue Choice). For more information, contact the center at 889-6185.

Euchre Tournament - on Saturday, March 5, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Ten games will be played and prizes will be awarded. No partner is needed. Players must be 55 or older and must be knowledgeable of the game. Tournament rules may be picked up at the center. The cost is $5. Lunch is provided. Registration is required by February 25. For more information, call 889-6185.