Major George Quamo

Vietnam war veteran
receives honor

A resolution was passed by State Assemblymen Pat Casale and State Senator Joseph Bruno declaring June 20, 2005, Major George Quamo Day.

Major George Quamo was the son of the late Kaliroi Quamo, a resident of the Brockport-Spencerport area for 34 years. Brother James Quamo, who resides with his wife Pamela and their family and sister Marietta Quamo Bauer also resides in the Spencerport area with her family.

Quamo, who lost his life during the Vietnam Conflict in 1968 at the age of 27, was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross, Two Silver Stars, Legion of Merit Award, Bronze Star, Purple Heart and Presidential unit citation among others.

He was a member of the Special Forces unit MacV Sog. Quamo died in a plane crash on his way to DaNang. The youngest major in MacV Sog, Quamo was compared to General Patton.

Quamo joined the military in October 1958, he joined the Army Green Beret in 1963 and served until his death in 1968. His remains were not discovered until June 26, 1974. Quamo was buried October 21, 1974 in Arlington Cemetery.

There are many books that make mention of Quamo including: Night of the Silver Star; Valley of Decision; Tanks in the Wire; and Red Clay Issue No. 41 [spring 1998] Khe Sanh Veterans Inc.