Hamlin hosts snow day

More than 100 people came to the Hamlin Town Hall on Sunday, February 20 for Snow Day. The weather cooperated for the many outdoor activities including a snowball target shooting contest, a birdfeeder craft, ice cube stacking challenge, a flower seed planting project and sledding.

For the snow sculpture/snowman contest, entries included cats, an owl, a turtle, a lounge chair, a castle, a fish, a dinosaur, Casper and a bug. Prizes were given to the top three. Charlie Hungerford provided wagon rides. The penguin mascot handed out stickers and made attempts at sliding down the hill.

The Hamlin Youth Group was there to provide helping hands throughout the day. Hamlin Recreation thanked Wegmans, McDonald's and the Sunflower Café for their donations and the Hamlin Highway Department for the hours of work on the snow hill.