Holley researching ethanol production plant

As a preliminary measure, Village of Holley officials have been conducting preliminary research on bio-energy production.

"An ethanol plant (bio-energy) has expressed an interest in locating in our Industrial Park," Mayor Stanley "Skip" Carpenter said. "There haven't been any formal requests or plans submitted to the village and, in fact, the potential business hasn't directly contacted the village."

Carpenter said the Orleans County Economic Development Agency has provided village officials with "general information" concerning a bio-energy company that is scouting locations.

"We are performing due diligence in investigating bio-energy as we do with each proposal that's brought before us," Carpenter said. "When and if we did receive a formal application we will refer the applicant to the Village of Holley Planning Board, the Orleans County Planning Board and will finally come back to the village trustees for a special use permit as provided for in the village's light industrial ordinance."

Carpenter said the process will involve several informational meetings, public hearings and SEQR (State Environmental Quality Review) will require that all environmental issues be addressed. The public would be advised of the meetings well in advance of their taking place.

"There is no provision under the law for any referendum on a potential business," Carpenter said. "As far as we have been able to ascertain, this is not the practice anywhere."

Carpenter encouraged the citizens of Holley to participate in the process, express their opinions and listen to the information gathered and provided by the experts.