Brendan Peck, Victoria Keenan and Danielle Falkenstein (l to r) join John J. Ginther Elementary School Principal Ann Sweeting with their donations to tsunami relief.

Students ride the "Wave of Love" for tsunami victims

Kindergarteners and first grade students at the Ginther School in Brockport want to help the victims of the December 26, 2004 tsunami. At their "Caring Kids Club" they drew up a list of chores to do at home so they can earn extra money to donate.

Students brought their donations to pour into a large container at what was called a "Wave of Love" benefit concert. Each class prepared a skit to share, either as individual students, groups or as a class. Performances include poems, songs and skits. The concerts were Wednesday and Thursday, March 9 and 10, at the end of the school day.

High school students videotaped the concerts for broadcast on Channel 12 so that parents can enjoy them.

Donations are being counted. Funds will be donated to "Quarters From Kids," a national initiative, endorsed by former Presidents Bush and Clinton, to support victims of the disaster.