Hilton Village students celebrate poetry

Hilton Village Elementary School sixth graders in teacher Jennifer Mann's class have been recognized by Creative Communication http://www.poeticpower.com, a national educational writing contest for students, that their poems will be published in this year's anthology, A Celebration of Young Poets. In addition, student Sara Caricati was selected as among the top ten in her category for her poem, "Fall Day," for which she will receive a $50 US Savings Bond. Creative Communication is designed to assist teachers in teaching poetry and prose, according to Mrs. Mann. Village Elementary School student-poets front from left are Kevin Russo, Nick Mucci, Sara Caricati, Eric Avery, Tyler Kelly; middle row from left Angela Cosentino, Zach Cowan, Ami Meier, Chelsea Schwerfeger, Danny Mitchell, teacher Jennifer Mann; and back row from left are Juliana Shaw, Delany Scheuerman, Nicole DeGregorio, Josh Hagen, Michael Vincelli.