Tammy Palumbo, RD, CDN, and director of dietary services for Lakeside Health System, presents a display of information on nutrition facts to celebrate National Nutrition Month.

Lakeside celebrates National Nutrition Month

Lakeside marked National Nutrition Month in March with a nutrition fair hosted by hospital nutritionists.

Nutritionists presented information on portion management and samples of various portions of foods. They stressed the importance of not only watching what types of food people eat, but also watching the size of each portion. "Individuals sometimes aren't able to judge the actual portion size recommended on the package label. For example, three ounces of meat is the size of a deck of cards and one-half cup of rice or pasta is the size of a small computer mouse," Tammy Palumbo, director of dietary services said.

Information was presented on the importance of eating a selection of fruits and vegetables from each of the color categories including blue-purple, green, white, yellow/orange and red. These foods provide vitamins, minerals, fiber and phytochemicals used by the body to help fight cancer, heart disease and the effects of aging.

As spring and summer approaches, Palumbo stressed the importance of washing melons. "So much focus is on cooking hamburger to 155°, we are forgetting to take proper care of fruits, vegetables and salads. Fresh melons bought from outside the country are grown with fertilizer containing animal and human feces," she said. She stressed the need to thoroughly wash melons with a vegetable brush before serving. Slicing a knife through the fruit before cleaning it can spread the bacteria through the entire melon.

Lakeside offers nutrition counseling services Monday through Saturday which is covered by most insurance providers. For information or an appointment, contact Lakeside at 395-6044.

On April 13, Lakeside will be holding a free diabetes nutrition presentation titled Does weight loss and exercise really affect diabetes? It will be held in the Lakeside Beikirch Care Center first floor conference room from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. Pre-registration is required, call 395-6044 to register or for information.