Open house scheduled at Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge

Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) in Alabama will be holding its annual open house on Saturday, April 23 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Admission and parking are free.

Located at the refuge headquarters on Casey Road, the event offers activities for the whole family with 20 conservation related exhibits, as well as crafts, games, face painting and nature activities for the kids. Live entertainment will include a talk on birds of prey, concerts by Ghost Riders and the Corfu-Pembroke Community Band, as well as demonstrations of Native American dance by the Buffalo Creek Dancers. A free shuttle van will provide transportation to the Kanyoo Nature Trail and Cayuga Pool Overlook where the Buffalo Audubon Society will round out the day with several educational programs and activities. Learn about a Worm's World or Pond Life, take a nature walk or just view wildlife on the marsh. Spotting scopes will be provided, or you can bring your own car and join a guided birding tour. No reservations needed.

For a complete schedule of events, stop by the refuge office, call 585-948-5445 or log onto the website at: