Hamlin scout achieves Eagle rank

David Schreiner from Troop 324, who achieved the rank of Eagle Scout at a ceremony on Sunday, April 10, was honored by the Hamlin Fire Department. The Eagle Court of Honor was held in Merritt Hall and was attended by many of Schreiner's family, troop members, representatives of both the Town of Hamlin and the Fire Department. He joins an elite group of 13 other Eagle scouts that have come from Troop 324.

"Less than two percent of all scouts reach the level of Eagle Scout and the Hamlin Fire Department is proud of David, his Scoutmaster, his family, and proud to sponsor Troop 324," John Deserto, Hamlin Fire Department said. Schreiner's Eagle project was to clean and paint over 100 fire hydrants in the Town of Hamlin.

For information about the Hamlin Fire Department see the department's website at hamlinfire.com