Newsmakers for the week of
April 17, 2005

Paul Guarino, a senior in the school of business and son of Ken and Laurie Guarino of Brockport, was named to the fall 2004 dean's list at Duquesne University.

Joseph Olles of Holley has been named to the dean's list for the winter quarter at Rochester Institute of Technology. A fourth-year student in the Kate Gleason College of Engineering, Olles is studying mechanical engineering.

Olles is the son of William and Lou Ann Olles of Holley. He is a 2000 graduate of Holley High School.

State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry named Daniel H. Zapf to the president's honors list for the fall semester 2004. He is the son of Kate and Steve Zapf of Hilton, and a 2002 graduate of Hilton High School.

Kira Mikels of Hilton has been named to the dean's list with a 4.0 grade point average for the winter quarter at Rochester Institute of Technology. A fifth-year student in RIT's College of Applied Science and Technology, Mikels is studying mechanical engineering technology.

Mikels is the daughter of Bill and Nancy Mikels of Hilton and a 2001 graduate of Hilton High School.

Patrick Hastings of Nothnagle Realtors has earned Sales Person of the Month for the Chili Ogden Office for the month of March with seven closed transactions totaling over $1 million in sales.

Among other awards received during his career are Top Agent for 2004 which he has won each year since 1997; the Sales Master Gold Award for the past seven years, which is given to agents who have closed 60 or more transactions in a one year period; Top 25 and the Zenith and Pinnacle Awards which are given by the Women's Council of Rochester.

Hastings has 26 years of experience in real estate and has a production level of $9.5 million sales.

Navy Seaman Jason T. Soule, brother of Kayla S. Cordaro of Hilton, recently completed U.S. Navy basic training at Recruit Training Command, Great Lakes, Illinois.

Soule is a 1999 graduate of Streator Township High School of Streator, Illinois.

Marine Corps Chief Warrant Officer David B. Kelly, son of Alice J. Kelly of Hilton and Brian F. Kelly, and the Marines of 2nd Force Service Support Group (Forward) recently assumed operational control of Marine Corps Logistics forces, while stationed at Camp Taqaddum, Iraq.

Kelly joined the Marine Corps in April 1980.